3 Benefits of Having a Pro Handle Your Audio-Video Installation

Enjoy Your Entertainment without Complexity 

People tend to acquire AV gear over time. Of course, there are always situations where our company gets to design and configure an audio-video installation project for a completely remodeled or new Manhattan home, but often people are replacing older equipment or adding new capabilities to existing systems. 

Today’s AV gear is more connected and capable than ever. TVs have apps, multiple screen, and audio casting protocols exist, and many updated formats are available for music and video content. All of this means that AV gear can get complicated to operate, especially if you want to make the most of their capabilities.  

We think professional audio-video installation brings several advantages to maximizing the enjoyment of your entertainment in your New York home. Keep reading for three top reasons below.  

SEE ALSO: Whole-Home Video is Now in High Demand 



Manhattan homeowners are design-conscious, and that flows to how they want their technology to look as well. Some may like the look of tech in ultra-modern environments, but some may like the tech to blend or disappear. Flat-panel TVs are a good example. Most of these large screens are black when not in use. What are the alternatives? One comes from manufacturers like Samsung, which created the Frame TV. The Frame has unique technology that makes it look like artwork when the TV is off, and the artwork can be changed according to your desires and tastes. The Frame can mount very flush to the wall like artwork and have decorative framing that looks like, well, an art frame. Professional installation is highly recommended to get it to look just right. 

Other options exist to hide those big flat panels. Ceiling mounts can lower a TV when you’re ready to watch. Custom furniture lifts can make the flat panel rise from a credenza when it’s time for the show. And actual artwork, motorized, can lift or slide left or right out of the way to reveal a TV display. What about sound? Architectural speakers can be practically invisible in walls and ceiling for high-fidelity audio that is heard but not seen.  



Getting great sound is more than just about quality equipment. Proper speaker location and sound system tuning can be critical to getting that immersive, emotional experience you want from music and movie soundtracks. Whether it's freestanding or architectural speakers, there's both art and science in getting sound right. For surround sound systems, software-aided calibration, sound pressure meters, and testing speaker locations all can make the difference between a merely good and genuinely great sound system. These are elements that professional installation can bring to optimizing your entertainment system. 



AV systems can get complicated to operate. You want to focus on the entertainment, not a perfectly timed sequence of buttons to push to get everything going. Simplify it with a smart home system that includes customizable AV control. One touch – or voice command – can set everything in motion. Your TV rises from the credenza, the sound system comes on, and every setting and input is automatically set for the chosen entertainment type. Also, lights and motorized shading can be coordinated to set the scene for enjoyment. Isn’t that the way you really want it to work? 

Let us show you how to get the most from your AV entertainment with professional system design and installation. Get in touch with us here or start a chat with us below; we would love to work with you! 


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