5 Landscape Lighting Design Techniques to Add Visual Excitement at Night

Let Your Home’s Beauty Stand Out after Dark

Your Southampton home may be your refuge from the bustle of New York City or where you spend most of the year. Being the Hamptons, it’s likely not the average home. When the sun goes down, can you or your visitors appreciate how stunning your property is? You can with the right landscape lighting design. Keep reading for five landscape lighting techniques that make sure your home’s beauty is not lost to the night. 

SEE ALSO: Circadian Lighting: Bring the Benefits of Natural Light Indoors


If you have tall, mature trees, installing downlights can cast a soft glow over your landscape. Today’s LED lighting is available in various white color temperatures and colors, so you can be creative with your palette. Choose cooler white to simulate the moonlight or go with a warmer tone for a different effect. Downlighting can also add a measure of safety by illuminating a long dark driveway and paths. 


Do you have a sculpture or other special feature that begs to be admired? Make it even more dramatic at night with an up light to accentuate it. It can also be a specimen tree, a fountain, or other feature that adds drama. 


Shadowing and silhouetting are two techniques that capture attention. You can also use it for sculptures, trees, or creating drama against the outside of your home with the surrounding landscaping. During the holidays, this technique can be used for special effects in the season. 


The opportunity to apply light to water should not be missed. Underwater LED lighting with color can create a different ambiance for entertaining, holidays, or simply a mood. Use underwater lights in fountains and other running water features to shimmer through the water for a beautiful effect. 


Grazing and washing place a wide cast light close to a surface to enhance detail. It can be used to show off special finishing or color on outside walls, the unique bark of a tree, or a beautiful, tall hedge. 


Any outdoor feature can be beautifully highlighted for effect. Don't settle for standard, purely functional lighting in your outdoor spaces. Sitting areas, fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, pergolas, gazebos, and other areas can be illuminated to create your own landscape masterpiece after dark. A well-designed lighting plan will also enhance safety and incorporate smart lighting controls to make your outdoor lighting easy to manage and energy-efficient. 

Ready to create your custom nightscape in Southampton? Get in touch with us here; we would love to work with you! 


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